AI Capability Continuum:

A Three Step Framework to Understand the Capability Growth of AI systems

In recent years, the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has witnessed remarkable progress, with many breakthroughs now accessible through APIs and open-source solutions. Thanks to this increased accessibility and ease of implementation, it has led organizations, ranging from fledgling startups to Fortune 100 MNCs, to actively integrate AI into their products and services.

However, amidst this surge in adoption, significant challenges remain. One major hurdle is the high failure rate of AI projects in the industry. According to a recent survey [1], a staggering 96% of AI projects encounter data issues during the training phase, preventing them from progressing further. Another survey [2] reveals that despite substantial investments, 8 out of 10 companies reported minimal or no return on investment (ROI) from their AI efforts. These findings underscore the need for addressing critical issues in AI implementation to ensure successful outcomes and maximize the potential benefits of this rapidly evolving technology.

In this article, we present the “AI Capability Continuum”, a three-step framework tailored to help you conceptualize the development and assess the capabilities of AI systems. To elucidate this framework effectively, we will utilize the capability curve.

Executive Summary


Consider the following: as one implements more n more parts of a software system, its capabilities (things it is able to do) keep on increasing. If one were to draw a 2D curve with Yaxis as capability and X-axis as time, and draw growth in software’s capability with time, How would that curve look like?

Engineers started writing software in the 1970s. Over the past five decades, humans have deeply understood and mastered every aspect of software development right from requirements gathering to development, all the way to on-premise deployment and maintenance. Given mankind’s mastery of software development process, the capability curve for standard software projects/systems is illustrated in Figure 1.

Let us now understand the why the shape of this curve is the way it is :

Figure 1: ROI curve for traditional software systems

Fig 1:Capability curve for a typical software/IT system

Initially, starting a typical IT/software development project demands time and effort—gathering requirements, scoping, budgeting, and assembling the right team. During this inception phase, the capability grows slowly, resulting in the capability curve with a flat slope. But once we are past this initial stage, the capability curve of the software system rises steeply. Within a few days/weeks of starting the development, one starts to see the gains materialize pretty quickly, creating a steep rise in the curve. Powerful and efficient development tools, frameworks, programming languages, agile methodology, tools, extensive software development experience, cloud computing, collaborative development platforms coupled with automation and DevOps have contributed significantly to the hockey stick shape of this curve.


When it comes to the capability curve of a typical AI project/system, any guesses what the shape might look like? it is very different:

Figure 2: ROI curve for a typical AI system

Fig 1:ROI curve for a typical AI system

Immediately one sees distinct similarities and notable differences between this curve and previous one. In contrast to Fig 1 (on previous page), the initial segment of the curve in Fig 2 remains remarkably flat for an extended duration, resulting in a more elongated form. Subsequently, it ascends fast, albeit not as sharply as in Fig 1. Most intriguingly, towards the conclusion, the curve stagnates sharply.

This shape of capability curve for AI surprises many industry practitioners, especially those with extensive software engineering background. Founders, CXOs, leaders, and managers often anticipate an AI system's capability curve to mirror that of software systems, (resembling a hockey stick). However, this is far from reality.

Reason? The long-standing, well-understood playbooks of software development do not work for AI development. This greatly impacts the capability curve for AI. Let us try to understand this better and uncover why the shape of the curve changes. To do so, we divide the curve into three main segments: Foundation Zone (O-A), Acceleration Ramp (A-B), and Maturity Plateau (B-M) and then look at each segment in detail as under. The attempt is to better understand AI development and write its playbook.


Figure 3: Phase O-A of ROI curve for a typical AI system

In Foundation Zone, the focus should be solely on setting up the game correctly. The following are the major steps involved:

Depending on the difficulty of the problem at hand, the AI maturity/literacy within the organization and the time to test the core thesis, typically this phase can take anywhere between 30 days to even 6 months! Typically the hardest pieces in this phase often proves to be aspects around dataset preparation and testing the core hypothesis.


This phase also explains why the age old corporate wisdom of getting some “early wins” does not hold true in AI projects/systems. As evident, O-A is a hard phase and getting early wins is super hard.

To summarize, the mantra for this phase should be “Quickly assemble a system & test the market”.

Acceleration Ramp (A-B)

This is the middle part of the curve in Fig. 4 - Acceleration Ramp. Here you get the highest progress/capability per unit effort.

A lot of hard work is already done into Foundation. You have already put in place a lot of key ingredients - refining problem statement, collecting data, operationalizing metrics & measurement methodology, and early validation from stakeholders (internal/external). In the next phase one focuses mainly on improving the model - going from a model to the model. Key steps in this phase:

Keep Iterating previous steps. You will start moving quickly from a model to much better models. At some point, your gains will start to saturate. This is when you know that you are at point B. Depending on the problem at hand and AI maturity within the Org/Team, this phase can typically last from 3-12 months.


Briefly, this phase is all about “Make it Better”.

Maturity Plateau (B-M)

Figure 5: Phase B-M of ROI curve for a typical AI system

This is the tail end of the journey. The curve starts to tapper - your gains again start to move very slowly. This phase is about pushing the system to its limits:

This phase is typically can last from 6 to 24 months depending on the difficulty of the problem at hand.


In one line, this phase is about “Pushing your AI system to its limits”.

Interestingly, depending on which of the three phases your AI project is in, it has huge implications on the kind of AI talent you need for that phase. We will cover this in another article.


Impact of chatGPT/LLMs

Let us now understand how LLMs (chatGPT, Claude, Cohere etc) or any off the shelf foundational models has impacted this curve. Now owing to commoditization of chatGPT/ LLMs, (via APIs), one gets high degree of “intelligence” off the shelf (but not 100% - even these systems make a lot of mistakes) without any training what so ever.

This means, using any of these off the shelf solutions, today a smart Product Manager (PM) with an hungry Business Leader (BL) can assemble a v0 solution without necessarily involving an AI team. They along with a street smart aspiring engineer can do enough prompt engineering to quickly assemble together an AI system within 7-10 days which good enough to demo in the market. Recall, this was the very objective of O-A phase.

They can now use the demo sell their ‘solution’ aggressively and test the market - are your users loving the solution? Are they willing to pay for it? How much are they willing to pay etc which is one of the most impotent parts of the first phase O-A.

Let us understand the above in terms of the curve. Using chatGPT/off the shelf LLMs via API - one can get fairly high intelligence. This is represented by point ‘X’ in Figure 7. And since one can get to it very quickly, we have a straight line from pt ‘O’ to pt ‘X’. In most cases, this much intelligence is good enough to start selling your product/offerings in the market

At some point in time, as your paying customers go up, they will be more demanding in term of model accuracy. Now chatGPTs of the world are generic systems trained on generic data, hence no matter how much prompt engineering you do, they will take you only so far. To improve your systems further, your next logical choice will be to fine tune open source foundational models on your data. This will require you to gather data, build your own datasets. What after that? trained your own foundational models from scratch. Note this exactly the journey we saw from O-A-B-M in Fig 4. only difference now will be the accuracies/ML metric values will be much higher, hence the curve now takes the same shape beyond ‘X’.

It is important to call out that today AI is niche technology and is a rapidly evolving landscape. In times to come, owing to commoditization, both cost and time to develop AI systems will come down drastically. Then the curve could look very different.

It turns out that using this curve one answer some very crucial questions - what is the right process to develop AI systems, from a talent acquisition purpose when is the right time to bring in AI scientist with PhD pedigree, why profit margin of AI companies will never be more than 40% unlike SaaS companies that have 80-85% margins and many more.

We will answer these and many more in next set of articles. Adios until then.


[1] New survey shows AI and ML are still nascent. Survey by Alegion

[2] S. Ransbotham, S. Khodabandeh, R. Fehling, B. LaFountain, D. Kiron, "Winning With AI", MIT Sloan Management Review and Boston Consulting Group, October 2019.